Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA) - Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) Training Workshop on Budget Analysis


REPOA invites members of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) involved in policy processes such as planning, monitoring and evaluation, and advocacy to a training workshop on Budget Analysis. This workshop will enhance the capacity of CSOs to analyse and understand the Budget and the government processes that impact on the allocation and utilisation of resources.

Course content includes:

•Planning and budget processes at the national and council levels and their linkages
•The execution of plans and budgets and entry points for CSOs
•Methods and tools for analysing and monitoring the Budget
•Links to MKUKUTA's goals and targets Using TGN (Tanzania Governance Noticeboard) and TSED (Tanzania Socio-economic Database) to access and analyse budget data

The training will be held in Dar es Salaam from 18th - 20th July.
Participants will be sponsored for their travel and/or accommodation and there are no course fees.

Applicants should submit to REPOA:

•A typed application, including a description of the main activities of the CSO, and the applicant's duties for that organisation
• Fax, telephone and email contact details
•Detailed curriculum vitae, including a photocopy of diploma/degree certificate

The closing date for applications is 22 June 2007

REPOA will notify the successful applicants by 6 July. If you do not hear from REPOA by this date you should consider your application to be unsuccessful.

157 Mgombani Street, Regent Estate
P.O. Box 33223, Dar es Salaam
Phone: +255 (22) 2700083 / 2772556
Mobile: +255 (0) 741 326064
Fax: (22) 2775738